18. okt. 2016

The Supernatural

Afterlife, Ghosts, Psychics, Spirits,  etc. 

If it doesn't make any sense, it's usually not true.

If we think, dead people can come back as ghosts, we HAVE to recognize that every animal can too.
What a comforting thought, that your beloved dog still roams the yard. 
Humans is just another species of creatures.
The amount of humans, cats, dogs, mosquitoes, whales, cows, dinosaurs etc. that have died in the history of the earth, is BEYOND count. Even if 1 ‰ of those spirits came back, we would not be able to take one step without drowning in ghosts.

Since it's ALWAYS, EXACTLY YOUR grandpa, mother, son etc. that chooses to (conveniently) show up, at every given chance, we have to assume that EVERY living being on this
planet, have the same opportunity.
(At a few thousand-dollars seance fee, of course)

In our high tech world, where video cameras never sleep, they seem to constantly avoid the spotlight. 
Highly strange, since ghosts seems to be desperate to send a loving message through. 
(At a few thousand-dollars seance fee, of course)

Imagine you having a nice picnic in the nearby forrest. Suddenly, a massive bee swarm attacks you. But you lean back and heave a sigh of relief, since you know it's only ghostbees, from the hive that was wiped out last week, so they are only there to send a loving message through 
(For free...???!)

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